Showing posts with label Health Foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Foods. Show all posts
Health and Nutrition: Health Benefits of Capsicums

Capsicums are beautifully colored fruits that are named differently according to where it comes from. In Britain, they are called chilli peppers, red or green pepper (by the color) or sweet pepper.

In US and Canada, they are called bell peppers. In Australia and Asia, they are known as capsicum; and in some countries they are even called paprika (where paprika powder is derived from). Cayenne and jalapeno are the “hotter” versions.

Capsicums come in a variety of colors: Green and purple are more pungent and taste slightly bitter. Red, orange and yellow are milder flavored, sweeter, and pleasant to the taste. The red peppers are really green peppers which have been left to ripen on the vine. So green is simply the unripe version of the red.

Botanically, capsicums or bell peppers are fruits as they have seeds. However, they are widely used for cooking, so culinary-wise, they are accepted as a vegetable.

Nutritional Benefits

The stronger the color of the bell peppers, the higher the concentration level of anti-oxidants. A small bell pepper could provide up to three times more of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, much more than any citrus food.

Each color of the bell peppers have different phytochemicals and provide different nutrients. Consumption of the variety of the colored peppers are recommended in order to benefit from all the nutrients.
  • Yellow: lutein, zeaxanthin
  • Red: astaxanthin, lycopene
  • Orange: alpha, beta and gamma-carotene
  • Purple: anthocyanin
Bell peppers have very high content of vitamin A, C and E (all anti-oxidants) that help to effectively neutralize free radicals. Anti-oxidants protects the body from carcinogenic and toxic substances. Just by this virtue alone, it is a good remedy for many health problems.

This fruit also has almost the whole range of vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9). Other minerals are potassium, manganese, thiamine, molybdenum, trytophan, copper, cobalt and zinc.

Health Benefits

Health and Nutrition: Health Benefits of Capsicums
Capsicums have been used for its medicinal values since ancient times but have only recently been documented by medical science. And what research has found are remarkable healing virtues.

Bell pepper, or capsicum, is one of the most nutrient-dense foods available. By itself, capsicum has so many healing properties, but when taken together with other herbs, fruits and vegetables, the nutrients absorption are multiplied hundredfold.

Here are only some of the benefits of taking capsicum, and we have only scratched the surface:

1. Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal:  The anti-septic properties in capsicum makes it effective in fighting food poisoning. Coupled with a good supply of probiotics, yeast and fungal infection problems, like ring-worm, shingles, athlete’s foot, etc. can be easily eliminated.

2. Anti-aging:  We all know that anti-oxidant is highly effective in helping to protect the skin from free radical damage known to cause signs of aging.

3. Blood clots, prevent:  The very high content of vitamin C in capsicum makes it very effective in preventing blood clot, thus preventing strokes.

4. Cancer, prevent:  All the colored capsicums contain very high anti-oxidant and phytonutrients that are especially helpful in preventing cancers of the bladder, cervix, pancreas and prostate.

5. Cholesterol:  These colorful juices can significantly help to reduce cholesterol. The concentrated anti-oxidant fights oxidative stress that is the main culprit in oxidizing the LDLs in our blood. In the process, it also retards the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and lower blood pressure.

6. Cold feet:  During the winter when you have cold feet, cut up capsicum and put them in the socks. The mild “hot” will help keep your feet nicely warm.

7. Digestive system:  Capsicum is a stimulant herb. It helps relieve gastrointestinal problems like indigestion, stomach ulcers, colic, dyspepsia, diarrhea and even help reduce excessive flatulence.

8. Immune system:  The strong content of vitamin C stimulates white cells to fight infection, naturally building a good immune system.

9. Metabolism, enhanced:  Increases our body metabolism by lowering triglycerides which are stored in our body fats. This helps to burn calories more effectively.

10. Nose bleeding:  The rich vitamin C helps to heal, repair, build/strengthen the lining of the mucous membranes to prevent nose bleeds. Mix capsicum juice with lotus root juice for better effect.

11. Optical system:  The high vitamin C and beta-carotene makes capsicums especially beneficial in preventing eye problems like astigmatism, cataracts and macular degeneration.

12. Pain relief:  Capsaicin in capsicum blocks transmission of pain, so it can help relieve pain to a certain degree. It is also effective for eliminating headaches and migraines.

13. Respiratory problems:  The high level of vitamin C coupled with flavonoids make capsicum a very good food that helps prevent respiratory problems like asthma, emphysema, wheezing, lung infections, etc.

14. Sore throat:  Gargle some capsicum juice to help eliminate a sore throat. The anti-septic properties does the work super well.

Consumption Tips

When choosing to buy bell peppers, choose those that have firm, smooth skin without any wrinkles. The stem should be fresh and green. The fruit, even though hollow, should feel heavy for its size. Avoid those that are sunken or have black spots.

Store bell peppers in a plastic bag in the fridge. It will stay fresh for up to a week. Wash only when you need to use it. The green peppers being the unripe version of the red, will last longer, though it will not turn color anymore.

Add finely chopped bell peppers generously in your salad, casseroles, and other cooking.

When juicing bell peppers or capsicums for any remedy use as above, squeeze in lemon juice to taste. Capsicum juice by itself can taste rather “sharp”. Lemon juice helps “blunt” the taste and makes it flavorful.

You might also read : Health and Nutrition: 10 Health Benefits of Bananas


Health and Nutrition: Health Benefits of Capsicums

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Top 10 Health Benefits of Bitter Melons
What Are Bitter Melons?

The bitter melon is also known as karela, ampalaya, or Momordica charanti. While many people consider it an herb or a vegetable, bitter melons are technically fruits because they contain seeds (the name "melon" makes this easy to remember). Bitter melons have similar nutrients to dandelions and are beneficial for health. They are used in some continents like Asia, South America, and Africa to help control blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy system. Additionally, the Chinese used this fruit as part of their daily diet to “clean” their system.

Both high and low blood sugar can lead to many issues. Diabetes is probably one of the biggest issues from high blood sugar, and the condition can lead to other issues. Diabetes can sometimes be prevented by eating right and exercising; since it is a lifelong condition, every step possible should be taken to prevent it. There are numerous ways to slowly bring your sugar level back to normal, and all it takes is some dedication.

What Makes a Bitter Melon Special?

Bitter melons are an excellent source of nutrients. They have:
  • Twice the calcium of spinach
  • Twice the potassium of banana
  • Twice the beta-carotene of broccoli
As well as more of the following vitamins and minerals than most vegetables or fruits:
  • Manganese
  • Zinc
  • Folic acid
  • Alkaloids
  • Peptides
  • Steroidal saponins
  • Fiber
  • Phosphorus
  • Vitamins C, B1, B2, and B3
Think of it like this: Eating one bitter melon daily along with every meal will vastly improve your nutrition! Keep it up for about two months, and you can potentially decrease your risk of diabetes.

As you can probably guess from the name of this fruit, bitter melons are an acquired taste. Luckily, there are many recipes for cooking bitter melons and reducing their bitterness. One way to make them more palatable is to remove the seeds, cut the remaining fruit thinly, then salt it evenly. Let the salted slices sit for about 30 minutes, then squeeze out the liquid and rinse them out.

Also read: How to Make Bitter Melon Juice Recipe

What Are Benefits of Eating This Fruit?

Since there are way too many benefits of eating bitter melon, let’s take a look at the more important ones such as:

Top 10 Health Benefits of Bitter Melons (There Are More):

1. Reduces the risk of diabetes

Top 10 Health Benefits of Bitter Melons
One of every 10 adults suffers from this disease, and it’s becoming a bigger problem every day. One way this fruit can help is by regulating blood sugar levels. High blood sugar is not a good sign, and most doctors will prescribe medicine to lower it. And what happens when you are all out of meds? You go and get more. This is only prolonging the problem. Controlling blood sugar level through diet is much less invasive. Also, insulin receptors can become ineffective; when they do, they are called down-regulated insulin receptors. Regular consumption of bitter melons can help reverse the insulin resistance effect. Bitter melon helps diabetics treat insulin resistance without medication. This is an important role in prevention and treatment of Type II diabetes, also known as insulin-independent diabetes. This can also prevent further diabetic complications that are caused by chronically high sugar concentrations, such as blindness, kidney diseases, strokes, heart attacks, and diabetic feet. Eating bitter melons, drinking their extract, or even taking them in pill form can reverse the effectives of diabetes.

2. Reduces the risk of cancer

Eating or drinking the juice from the melon can lower the risk of certain types of cancer. It is also known to decrease and kill leukemic cancer cells, according to the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. It can stop cancer cells from spreading and increase chances of a full recovery. But the diet must be consistent for this to be in an effective way to treat this disease. Otherwise, it will not work.

3. Reduces the risk of AIDS/HIV

This disease is becoming a widespread issue. Bitter melon glycoprotein beta-momorcharin helps inhibit synthesis of macromolecules in splenocytes, embryos, and tumor cells. This protein also retards the effects of HIV by using the protein to deactivate the ribosome function in HIV-infected cells. It stops protein synthesis in those cells and eventually kills the cells which are infected.

4. Provides antioxidants

Antioxidants help protect us from free radical damage. Free radicals can come from common natural environmental toxins as well as pollution, smoking, and normal metabolism byproducts. They have been proven to boost the immune system.

5. Relieves asthma

Positive results have come back from patients suffering from a chronic cough who add bitter melon to their diets. The bitter melon helps release sputum accumulated within the respiratory tract and lungs. Many who have used bitter melon extract or eaten it regularly believe that it helps relieve asthma.

6. Soothes skin

Do you have acne or wrinkled skin? The chemical or serum in bitter melons has been known to be used for acne and wrinkles. Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties can also aid in acne issues.

7. Aids digestion

Helps with digestion of food by producing digestive enzymes.

8. Aids in weight loss

This low-calorie and low-carbohydrate fruit will help with dieting and also strengthen your immunity.

9. Promotes healing of injuries and wounds

It helps with controlling the blood flow to help heal wounds faster and prevent infection.

10. Relieves constipation

It works wonders on constipation without causing diarrhea.

Potential Side Effects

Bitter melons have many benefits, but they also come with a few side effects. For example:
  • When pregnant, it is important not to eat bitter melon nor its supplements. They can cause an unwanted abortion. The chances are low, but why risk something that can be avoided.
  • If you are hypoglycemic, do not use bitter melon supplements. Eating the fruit is fine in reasonable portions.
  • Too much bitter melon or bitter melon supplement can cause stomach pain and diarrhea.
It's always important to know the potential side effects of any part of your diet. The main risk is with supplements because they are so concentrated, and it is possible to take a much larger dosage than when eating the fruit itself. Bitter melons are widely consumed fruit in some countries, especially in Asia, and do not carry much risk.

You might also like related post: Health Benefit of Capsicums

Top 10 Health Benefits of Bitter Melons

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Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday
Eating healthy is an important part of life. What are healthy foods to eat everyday ? 

Easy-to-eat, easy-to-find, everyday “super” foods to keep eating healthy simple.

We love that “superfoods” are multi-taskers—foods brimming with various disease-fighting nutrients, usually without providing too many calories, and delivered in a delicious form (think: blueberries).

What we dislike about some foods deemed “super” is that they are exotic (ahem, the goji berry?!) or something—like, say, sardines—that you’d only have once in a while. Healthy? Yes. Would you eat them every day? Probably not.

With all the other healthy-eating recommendations we need to remember (eat fish twice a week; replace half your grains with whole grains), it's impossible to have to remember a list of eat-this-once-a-week or once-a-month foods.

So, here are 10 easy-to-eat, easy-to-find, everyday “super” foods to keep eating healthy simple.

1. Berries
Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday

All berries are great sources of fiber—a nutrient that most Americans don’t get enough of and one that is important for a healthy digestive system. Fiber may help to promote weight loss. Raspberries boast the most at 8 grams per cup—and also contain ellagic acid, a compound with anti-cancer properties. The same amount of blueberries has half the fiber (4 grams), but is packed with anthocyanins, antioxidants that may help keep memory sharp as you age. A cup of strawberries contains 3 grams of fiber, but more than a full day’s recommended dose of skin-firming vitamin C.

Read also: Health and Nutrition: 8 Health Benefits of Raspberries

2. Eggs
Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday
A source of high-quality protein, eggs might give your meal more staying power too. A recent study found that when people ate a scrambled-egg-and-toast breakfast, they felt more satisfied—and ate less at lunch—than when they ate a bagel (that supplied the same number of calories) another day. Even if you’re watching your cholesterol, a daily egg can likely fit into your eating plans. Egg yolks contain lutein and zeaxanthin—two antioxidants that help keep eyes healthy. In fact, mounting research links lutein and zeaxanthin with reduced risk for age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in people over 50. And lutein also may help to shield your skin from UV damage.

3. Beans
Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday
Beans are a good plant-based source of iron (up to 13 mg per 3/4 cup), a mineral that transports oxygen from your lungs to the cells in your body. Because your body can’t absorb the form of iron in plant-based foods as well as it can the form found in beef and poultry, pair beans with a vitamin C-rich food, such as sweet potatoes or lemon juice, to boost your iron absorption. Beans also boast fiber: 1/2 cup of cooked navy beans packs a whopping 7 grams of fiber, while the same amount of lentils and kidney beans provide 8 and 6 grams, respectively. Much of this fiber is the soluble kind that benefits blood cholesterol levels.

4. Nuts
Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday
Nuts are rich sources of heart-healthy unsaturated fats. Studies of Seventh-Day Adventists (a religious denomination that emphasizes healthy living and a vegetarian diet) show that those who eat nuts add, on average, an extra two and a half years to their lives. Walnuts may be the spotlight-stealers, though, with their high level of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid that’s been linked to heart health and improved mood. Walnuts’ high mono- and polyunsaturated-fat content also helps reduce total and “bad” LDL cholesterol levels while maintaining healthy levels of “good” HDL cholesterol.

5. Oranges
Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday
An excellent source of vitamin C, just one large orange (or a cup of OJ) contains a full day’s dose. Vitamin C is critical for producing white blood cells and antibodies that fight off infections; it’s also a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from free-radical damage and plays a key role in producing skin-firming collagen. Oranges are also high in fiber and folate.

Read also: Health and Nutrition: 13 Health Benefits of Oranges

6. Sweet Potatoes
Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday
Sweet potatoes are so brilliantly orange thanks to their alpha and beta carotene. The body converts these compounds into the active form of vitamin A, which helps keep your eyes, bones and immune system healthy. These phytochemicals also operate as antioxidants, sweeping up disease-promoting free radicals. One medium sweet potato—or about 1/2 cup—provides nearly four times the recommended daily value of vitamin A, plus some vitamin C and B6, potassium, manganese and lutein and zeaxanthin, prompting the Center for Science in the Public Interest to call it one of the most nutritious vegetables in the land.

7. Broccoli
Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday

This green powerhouse packs vitamins C, A and K (which helps with bone health) and A, as well as folate. There is another reason broccoli frequently earns a top spot on “superfoods” lists: it delivers a healthy dose of sulforaphane, a type of isothiocyanate that is thought to thwart cancer by helping to stimulate the body’s detoxifying enzymes.

8. Tea
Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday
Studies show if you drink tea regularly, you may reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s, diabetes and some cancers, plus have healthier teeth and gums and stronger bones. How? Tea is rich in a class of antioxidants called flavonoids. Regardless of the variety of tea you choose, maximize the power of its flavonoids by drinking it freshly brewed. If you want to keep a batch of cold tea in your refrigerator, add a little lemon juice—the citric acid and vitamin C in that squeeze of lemon, lime or orange help preserve the flavonoids.

9. Spinach
Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday
Spinach is teeming with important nutrients: vitamins A, C and K—as well as some fiber, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin E. Spinach is an easy, delicious and good source of folate, a water-soluble B vitamin that helps produce DNA and form healthy new cells, making it especially important for mothers-to-be. A cup boasts 15 percent of the recommended daily intake.

10. Yogurt
Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday
In the 1970s, Soviet Georgia was rumored to have more centenarians per capita than any other country. Reports at the time claimed that the secret of their long lives was yogurt, a food ubiquitous in their diets. While the age-defying powers of yogurt never have been proven directly, yogurt contains “good bacteria” that help maintain gut health and diminish the incidence of age-related intestinal illness. It’s also rich in calcium, which helps stave off osteoporosis. Just 1 cup of yogurt provides nearly half the recommended daily value of calcium and is rich in phosphorus, potassium, zinc, riboflavin, vitamin B12 and protein.

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Top 10 Superfoods You Should Eat Everyday

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How To Eat Healthy: Choosing a Healthy Diet

"How To Eat Health" includes Three Parts:
  • Choosing a Healthy Diet
  • Making Easy but Healthy Decisions
  • Changing Your Mindset
Eating healthy is crucial to maintaining good health. Fortunately, it's easier than it sounds. Arm yourself with knowledge and you're halfway there. If you think of eating healthy not as a sacrifice, but more as an opportunity for self-improvement, you're almost at the finish line. You don't need someone to tell you the numerous health benefits that putting away the donuts and hamburgers will get you. You want someone to show you how it's done. Here's a glimpse.

Part 1 of 3: Choosing a Healthy Diet

1. Choose the right carbohydrates. 

How To Eat Healthy: Choosing a Healthy Diet
  • Simple carbs, like sugar and flour, are quickly absorbed by the body's digestive system. This causes a kind of carb overload, and your body releases huge amounts of insulin, to combat the overload. Eat these in moderation. Complex carbs, on the other hand, are slowly digested by the body. They include whole-grain flour, hearty vegetables, oats, and unprocessed grains, like brown rice. These foods are usually higher in vitamins and other nutrients that are beneficial for the body, and they are higher in fiber (which keeps your digestive system running smoothly).
  • Consider eating leafy greens like kale, collard greens, mustard greens, and Swiss chard. They are packed with nutrients and will fill you up very quickly. Create a simple sauté with olive oil, garlic, a little salt and pepper, which will be surprisingly tasty meal as well as a nutritious one.
  • Choose wheat (brown) bread instead of white bread and whole wheat pasta instead of "normal" pasta. Processed carbohydrates, such as those found in white bread are harder to draw nutrients from, and therefore constitute empty calories. Plain oatmeal is also very healthy for you.
Read also: 30 Simple Diet and Fitness Tips for Success

2. Eat lean, mean protein. 

How To Eat Healthy: Choosing a Healthy Diet

Aim to get between 10% and 35% of your daily calories from protein. Protein helps you to build muscle and gives you the lasting energy throughout the day. Some examples of healthy proteins include:
  • Lean fish such as flounder, sole, cod, bass, perch, and halibut.
  • Lean poultry such as chicken or duck breast.
  • Legumes like beans and soy products (e.g. edamame and tofu).
  • Nuts like cashews.

3. Know the difference between good fat and bad fat. 

You need to consume fat for your body, to function correctly. However, it's important to choose the right kind of fats. Here's a quick primer.

Monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids are good fats, which you should try to consume regularly. They help lower the "bad cholesterol" in your body by raising "good cholesterol". Foods that are high in fatty acids are olive oil, nuts, fish oil, and various seed oils. Adding these "good" fats to your weekly diet can lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease.
Avoid trans fats and saturated fats. Trans fats are form of unsaturated fat commonly found in processed foods, and consuming them raises your risk of heart disease. Read the labels of what you eat, and look for "hydrogenated" anything on the ingredient list.

4. Stock up on superfoods. 

How To Eat Healthy: Choosing a Healthy Diet

So-called superfoods may have a misleading title, but some truly are cut above. Superfoods may have the ability to fight heart disease, stave off cancer, lower cholesterol, and even boost your mood. Here are just few of them:
  • Blueberries. Blueberries may facilitate brain health. If you don't have access to blueberries, then try fresh berries, raspberries, or cranberries.
  • Algae. It may not sound appetizing, but then again when you read the list of health benefits you may think again. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, as well as beneficial in managing natural flora in the gut.
  • Salmon. Another creature of the sea makes the list, and for good reason. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a good type of fat. Omega-3 fats are good for blood pressure, brain function, and heart health.
  • Cranberries. These red berries contain Quercetin, a natural anti-Carcinogen (anti-cancer), are low in sugar and a decent source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for bone health and prevents Scurvy.
5. Watch your salt intake. 
How To Eat Healthy: Choosing a Healthy Diet

Although humans need salt in moderation, too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and excessive stomach acid. Use salt sparingly, and always check labels on food for the "reduced sodium" option, if it's available.

Read also: Top 8 Tips For Healthy Eating

6. Practice moderation. 

Don't over-consume any one food or type of food. Instead, try to vary your diet so that you eat a little bit of everything in a moderate amount.

Some people might be great at giving up meat, sugar, alcohol, or other foods. However, most of us are likely to give it up for awhile, then break down and binge. Avoid this deprivation-binge cycle by allowing yourself to have small "cheats". For instance, if you want to eat less sugar, allow yourself to eat one dessert each Friday night and abstain for the rest of the week. Having a break to look forward, which can help you power through the other days.

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How To Eat Healthy: Choosing a Healthy Diet

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How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight

It's easier than you think to start eating healthy! Take small steps each week to improve your nutrition and move toward a healthier you.


Small changes can make a big difference to your health. Try incorporating at least six of the eight goals below into your diet. Commit to incorporating one new healthy eating goal each week over the next six weeks.

1. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables: 

How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight

Choose red, orange, and dark-green vegetables like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli, along with other vegetables for your meals. Add fruit to meals as part of main or side dishes or as dessert. The more colorful you make your plate, the more likely you are to get the vitamins, minerals, and fiber your body needs to be healthy.

2. Make half the grains you eat whole grains: 

How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight
An easy way to eat more whole grains is to switch from a refined-grain food to a whole-grain food. For example, eat whole-wheat bread instead of white bread. Read the ingredients list and choose products that list a whole-grain ingredients first. Look for things like: "whole wheat," "brown rice," "bulgur," "buckwheat," "oatmeal," "rolled oats," quinoa," or "wild rice."

3. Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk: 

Both have the same amount of calcium and other essential nutrients as whole milk, but fewer calories and less saturated fat.

4. Choose a variety of lean protein foods: 
How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight

Meat, poultry, seafood, dry beans or peas, eggs, nuts, and seeds are considered part of the protein foods group. Select leaner cuts of ground beef (where the label says 90% lean or higher), turkey breast, or chicken breast.

5. Compare sodium in foods: 

How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight
Use the Nutrition Facts label to choose lower sodium versions of foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals. Select canned foods labeled "low sodium," "reduced sodium," or "no salt added."

6. Drink water instead of sugary drinks: 

How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight

Cut calories by drinking water or unsweetened beverages. Soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks are a major source of added sugar and calories in American diets. Try adding a slice of lemon, lime, or watermelon or a splash of 100% juice to your glass of water if you want some flavor.

7. Eat some seafood: 

How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight
Seafood includes fish (such as salmon, tuna, and trout) and shellfish (such as crab, mussels, and oysters). Seafood has protein, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids (heart-healthy fat). Adults should try to eat at least eight ounces a week of a variety of seafood. Children can eat smaller amounts of seafood, too.

8. Cut back on solid fats: 

How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight

Eat fewer foods that contain solid fats. The major sources for Americans are cakes, cookies, and other desserts (often made with butter, margarine, or shortening); pizza; processed and fatty meats (e.g., sausages, hot dogs, bacon, ribs); and ice cream.

Use the MyPlate Icon to make sure your meal is balanced and nutritious.

How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight


1. Emphasis on Fruits & Veggies
  • Mix vegetables into your go-to dishes. Try spinach with pasta or peppers in tacos.
  • Use fresh, frozen, and canned fruits and vegetables. They all offer the same great nutrients. Just be sure to watch the sodium on canned vegetables and look for fruits packed in water or 100% juice (not syrup).
  • Pack your child's lunch bag with fruits and veggies: sliced apples, a banana, or carrot sticks are all healthy options.
2. Healthy Snacks
  • For a handy snack, keep cut-up fruits and vegetables like carrots, peppers, or orange slices in the refrigerator.
  • Teach children the difference between everyday snacks, such as fruits and veggies, and occasional snacks, such as cookies or other sweets.
  • Make water a staple of snack time. Try adding a slice of lemon, lime, or a splash of 100% juice to your water for a little flavor.
  • Swap out your cookie jar for a basket filled with fresh fruit.
3. Ways to Reduce Fat, Salt, and Sugar
  • Choose baked or grilled food instead of fried when you're eating out and implement this at home, too.
  • Make water and fat-free or low-fat milk your go-to drinks instead of soda or sweetened beverages.
  • Serve fruits as everyday desserts like baked apples and pears or a fruit salad.
  • Read labels on packaged ingredients to find foods lower in sodium.
  • Skip adding salt when cooking; instead use herbs and spices to add flavor.
4. Controlling Portion Size
  • Use smaller plates to control portion sizes.
  • Don't clean your plate or bowl if you're full, instead save leftovers for tomorrow's lunch.
  • Portion sizes depend on the age, gender, and activity level of the individual.
5. Healthy Eating in School
  • Bring healthy snacks into your child's classroom for birthday parties and celebrations, instead of providing sugary treats.
  • Pack healthy lunches for your children including whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products.
  • Schools across the nation are making their lunch rooms healthier places. Learn more with the Chefs Move to Schools initiative where chefs work with local schools to add flavorful, healthy meals to menus.

How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight

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8 Health Benefits of Raspberries
Raspberry is delicious and lovely looking fruit is from genus Rubus, which comes from Rose family. It blooms throughout the year and is thus perennial in nature.

However, in olden days, it was a summer crop that has now been modified by technology to produce all round the year.

Raspberries are grown in most of the temperate regions of the world and Russia is the largest producer followed by Poland.

Today they are available in many hybrid forms and have numerous varieties that include Red Raspberries, Purple Raspberries, Black Raspberries, blue Raspberries and golden Raspberries.

There are about 15 species of this fruit that are cultivated across many countries and continents of the world.

Raspberries are very popular and are known for their nutritious character. This write up will give you a detailed account of why

Raspberries is recommended and a “must” in your daily fruit intake.

Raspberry Nutritional Value

Raspberries are among the healthiest fruits and are super beneficial for your health. It has dense nutrient content which includes

Antioxidants, Phytonutrients, Fiber, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, etc.

The following chart enumerates the complete nutritional composition of 100 grams serving of Raspberries:
  • Energy 53 Kcal
  • Carbohydrates 11.94 gms
  • Sugar 4.42 gms
  • Dietary Fibre 6.5 gms
  • Fats 0.65 gms
  • Protein 1.20 gms
  • Vitamin B1 0.032 mg
  • Vitamin B2 0.038 mg
  • Vitamin B3 0.598 mg
  • Folate 21 ug
  • Vitamin B6 0.055 mg
  • Vitamin K 7.8 ug
  • Vitamin C 26.2 mg
  • Vitamin E 0.87 mg
  • Choline 12.3 mg
  • Calcium 25 mg
  • Magnesium 22 mg
  • Iron 0.69 mg
  • Phosphorus 29 mg
  • Potassium 151 mg
  • Manganese 0.67 mg
  • Zinc 0.42 mg
Amongst the nutrients, Raspberry has the highest proportion of Vitamin C on the scale of our body’s daily requirement of nutrients. It can provide about 32% of Vitamin C required by us.

Raspberries also boast of the high amount of dietary fiber with a reasonable level of sugar in it. Manganese is another component in Raspberry that fulfills about 32% of our daily requirement.

Apart from these three, rest of the nutrients in the form of Vitamins, trace metals and proteins are moderately contained in this fruit constituting 2% to 4% of our daily need.

This juicy fruit is made up of 95% of water, one of the highest water content in fruits.

Raspberry Health Benefits

As evident from the nutrition chart, Raspberries are very healthy.

They are useful in preventing damage to DNA of our cells from free radicals thereby protecting from many health problems like cancer, macular degeneration, cardiovascular health, premature ageing and many more.

It is also known for its positive effects on improving eye vision, immunity,  blood formation and promoting healthy weight loss.

In this section we will introduce all health benefits of this wonderful fruit and why it works to improve your health.

1. Increases Immunity and slows down ageing

Vitamin C are water soluble vitamins that are essential for your body. They need to be restored and replenished regularly as they are not stored in our body cells.

As mentioned earlier, Raspberry is a rich source Vitamin C. Vitamin C increases general immunity to fight cold, flu, infections and such other common diseases and conditions.

Vitamin C is a rich antioxidant agent and highly effective in purifying and cleaning our blood and cells that make the immune function strong.

It gets rid of the free radicals produced in our body by certain molecules on exposure to oxygen. These radicals can damage the cells and our DNA structure if not controlled and cleaned out.

The formation of free radicals is natural and is taken care of by the antioxidants produced in the body by the food that we consume.

Other than Vitamin C, the antioxidant property of Raspberries is owing to phenols and anthocyanins in them.

Organic Raspberries have been found to be particularly effective as an anti-oxidant thereby slowing down the process of ageing as well.

Early ageing is common due to increase in pollution, exposure to UV rays, unhealthy lifestyle and persistent stress. But raspberries are rich in antioxidants that neutralize these free radicals.

Thus, it protects the body from free radicals that cause ageing and gives you a great looking taut skin as well.

2. Protect and arrests Cancerous Growths

The incidences of the Cancer is increasing but now with new advancements and studies on it, this condition may not spell doom for you anymore.

The researchers on food and nutrition for controlling cancer and preventing it are showing a lot of promise. One such elaborate study has been done by Dr. Daniel Nixon of Hollings Cancer Institute.

It has found conclusively the effects of Ellagic acid in Raspberries on Cancer. A cup of Raspberries contains about 40 mg of this acid. When consumed in moderate quantities, it prevents the occurrence of cancers.

If Cancer patients increase the concentration of this acid by increasing the daily intake of raspberries, then they may be able to destroy the cancerous growths through a process called Apoptosis.

Apoptosis in layman’s language means programmed cell death owing to a biochemical reaction. The acid in Raspberries triggers this process.

It has been found to be effective in most of the cancers including that of the breast, colon, pancreas, Esophagus, skin, prostrate amongst others.

The best part is that this process does not hurt or damage normal cells and slow down the cancer growth significantly.

Apart from a big contribution from Ellagic acid, the antioxidant properties of Raspberries also help in aiding cancer prevention and growth.

Antioxidants neutralize these free radicals and protect from cancer. ORAC value (Oxygen Radiance Absorption Capacity) of raspberry is 4900 micromoles per 100 grams.

So it is useful in protecting against cancer and tumor.

Wrap up: The Ellagic acid in particular and Anti-oxidants in general found in Raspberries prevent cancer and slows down its spread in the body.

3. Maintains Eye Health

Eating raspberry improves vision and prevents the eye and retina from infections and other natural damage.

Since raspberry is rich in antioxidants, it protects the eye retina from oxidative stress. So it is effective in preventing the loss of eye vision in the form of cataract or age-related degenerative eye disease macular degeneration.

The combination of anti-oxidants like Vitamin C and phenols ward off disease and safeguard the membranes of the eye that produce the watery fluid thereby cleaning and protecting the eye from “Dry Eye” syndrome.

It reduces the risk of pannus formation that is a layer of granulation tissue which forms on the cornea.

The Ellagic acid has also been found highly effective in the upkeep of eye health and vision.

It reduces the production of active oxygen in the body which has been associated with an increase in the formation of free radicals. These free radicals can damage the vision beyond repairs in more serious and advance cases.

Wrap up: The anti-oxidants and Ellagic acid prevents age related degenerative eye disease and improve vision. They also protect from eye infections and general eye diseases.

4. Controls Inflammation

Raspberry is rich in phytonutrient, antioxidants and tannins that prove effective to prevent inflammation of stomach, intestine, bones and cardiovascular system.

Studies have conclusively associated Red Raspberries with lowered incidents of inflammation in the body.

It controls the degeneration of collagen that is the main protein in the connective tissue of the human body and thus necessary for cell repair and healing.

Other than healing, repairing and reducing pain, Raspberries have been found to contain the severity of arthritis. They control the bone resorption that release the minerals from bone into the bloodstream.

An excessive uncontrolled resorption in arthritis patients make their bones brittle, soft and lowers its density.

It also inhibits the cartilage damage and thereby reduces the inflammation of bones and joints.

Wrap up: The anti-oxidants, tannin and phytonutrients in Raspberry reduce inflammation and aid in healing and repairing cells. It also brings a lot of relief to arthritic patients by reducing pain and maintaining good bone health.

5. Diabetes Management

Raspberries have reasonable sugar content and are high on dietary fiber that makes them a relatively safe addition to the diet of diabetics.

Raspberry stimulates the body to produce an Adiponectin to maintain sugar and insulin level in type 2 Diabetes patients.

Adiponectin is a protein that is responsible for glucose breakdown in our body. The synthesis of glucose leads to its absorption and prevents high levels of undigested sugar being circulated in the blood.

Thus, it prevents the spike of blood sugar level in diabetes patient and prevents complications due to sugar level spike.

Further, the natural sugar in Raspberries called fructose does not need insulin for metabolism. Therefore, diabetics with Type 2 diabetes do not have to worry about the elevated sugar levels in the blood after consuming them.

The Glycemic index of the fruit which reflects its ability to increase the Glucose in blood is below 40 for raspberries making them extremely healthy and ideal for diabetics.

Wrap up: The Fructose, high fiber and low glycemic index of Raspberries does not increase the sugar level of the blood and make for great sweet treat for diabetics.

6. Healthy Weight Loss

First things first, Raspberry has an extremely low-fat content but high fiber that keeps you feeling full for longer.

The water content of Raspberry at 95% protects you from dehydration owing to heavy exercises.

The entire composition of trace metals including manganese, potassium and Phosphorus restore the lost balance of electrolyte in the body.

It is a low-calorie fruit which keeps you light and makes for a good before and after workout snack.

Further, Raspberry Ketones found in the raspberry have been found to be effective in burning the fat stored in the abdominal region by many studies.

These studies showed that it breaks down the lipid within fat cells. Thus, this reduces the fat deposits in the body.

It has also been found that Raspberry Ketones reduces the capacity of the body to absorb excess fat. It burns fat naturally and promotes healthy weight loss.

Wrap up: Raspberry due to its nutritional composition makes for a great snack while on weight loss spree and the Ketones in it breakdown fats reducing the waistline of your body.

7. Blood circulation & cardiovascular health

Raspberry has the anti-coagulant property that makes it a great blood thinner. In critical cases where patients experience fluctuating blood pressure and excessive clotting,

Raspberries are recommended as a part of their regular diet. They not only discourage clotting but also dissolve clots maintaining the fluidity of the blood.

It is the Salicylate content in the Raspberries that makes it an effective blood thinning agent.

An optimum fluidity of blood and regular heartbeat ensure healthy cardiovascular system. The potassium in Raspberries ensures optimum muscle function in the body including the heart muscles.

It reduces the chances of arrhythmia and regulates the contraction and expansion of heart muscles optimizing the blood pumping through the body.

Berries, in general, are also known for increasing the HDL (high-density lipoproteins) aka good cholesterol in the body-bettering the heart function further.

Wrap up: Raspberries act as natural blood thinning agent, promotes healthy cholesterol and optimizes heart function making it excellent for blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

8. Women’s health

Women love raspberries and now they have more than the “tasty” reason to include them in the diet.

Raspberries and particularly raspberry leaf have been found very effective in decreasing menstrual flow and cramps during the menstrual cycle, reducing pain during childbirth, preventing hemorrhage and relieving nausea.

It reduces pain by tightening and strengthening the pelvic muscles that experience cramping during periods. They soothe the body by relaxing muscles and reduce the stress. It also increases the milk flow in lactating mothers.

The leaf and fruit contain Carotenoids, Citric Acid, Fragrine and vitamins that make it a potent agent for menstruation and child birth-related conditions.

As mentioned earlier, it also helps in the treatment of Cervical cancer by kick-starting the process of Apoptosis in the cancerous growth.

Wrap up: Raspberries are helpful in regulating menstrual cycle, reducing cramps and pain during periods and brings down the risk of hemorrhage. It increases the flow of milk in lactating mothers and helps in treatment of cervical cancer.

Words of Caution

People who are taking medicines for blood thinning must speak to their doctor before including Raspberries in their diet. This is because Raspberry also contributes to anti-clot and anti-coagulation in the body and may interfere with the drugs.

Raspberry Ketones tend to react with other weight loss supplements, and therefore, a complete knowledge must be gained before you go on weight loss regimen using Ketones and supplements as well.

Always look for “Natural Ketone” supplements for weight loss. “Blended Ketones” means that it is synthetically prepared and so can be harmful.

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Health and Nutrition: 8 Health Benefits of Raspberries

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8 Healthy Take To Work Snacks
Most healthy snacks offer very little textural contrast — they’re either all smushy, like smoothies and oatmeal, or all crunchy, like pretzels and granola bars. Having a little crunch with a little something creamy is more satisfying. I like crispbread crackers for the task because there is just the right amount of surface area to make things interesting without overdoing it. Their size also gives you a nutritional assist in the moderation department.

8 Healthy Take To Work Snacks

There are many brands of crispbread crackers, but one Swedish brand in particular (Wasa) is easy to find and has lots of variety, like sourdough, multi or whole grain, and sesame. All are attractive options as they are low in calories and fat but high in fiber, and they are often recommended by nutritionists as a satisfying, moderate snack. Really, it’s a crunchy, hearty alternative to sandwich bread


#1. Keep an arsenal of snack enhancers at work so you are not schlepping stuff back and forth.

  • Small bottle of good olive oil
  • Kosher salt
  • Nice pepper grinder
  • Honey
  • Small jar of cinnamon

#2. Keep a few tools at work too.

  • Cutting board
  • Cheap paring knife

#3. Pack smart. 

Pack your crispbread in Tupperware to keep it from cracking. You may even want to wrap it in plastic wrap so other ingredients in your snack pack don’t get moisture on your cracker. Wet crackers are The Worst.

1. Apples and Honey with Nut Butter

8 Healthy Take To Work Snacks

Pack a whole apple in your bag. Smear peanut, almond, cashew — whatever butter you are into — onto your crispbread. Drape a small sheet of plastic wrap over the nut butter so it doesn’t smear all over, then pack it up. At snack time, thinly slice your apple, and drizzle with honey and cinnamon, which you hopefully have at work. You can substitute the apple for a banana to mix things up.

2. Avocado and Mozzarella

8 Healthy Take To Work Snacks

At home, slice your fresh mozzarella and wrap in plastic wrap. Pack your crispbread and a whole avocado to go. When you are ready to eat, slice your avocado. Top the crispbread with the mozzarella, add your sliced avocado, drizzle with olive oil, and season with kosher salt and pepper.

3. Hummus, Carrot, and Cucumber

8 Healthy Take To Work Snacks

Before work, use a vegetable peeler to make long strands with your carrot and cucumber and pack in a plastic baggie or container. Pack your crispbread and a container of hummus. When ready, spread your hummus on the crispbread and lay down those carrots and cukes.

4. Egg White Salad

8 Healthy Take To Work Snacks

This is a good one to plan the night before. Hard-boil 2 eggs (place in a small pan, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil. Turn off heat, cover with a lid, and let stand for 12 minutes. Drain the water, then place eggs in a bowl of ice water to cool.) Peel the eggs and then, using the whites only, chop them up and put into a small bowl. Add 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt, 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, 1 teaspoon chopped fresh dill, and a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper. Stir to combine.

Load the egg white salad into a container and pack your crispbread separately. Spoon over crispbread at lunchtime.

Be aware that the smell of eggs may bum out some of your officemates. Tell them to Deal.

5. Dates and Goat Cheese

8 Healthy Take To Work Snacks

Cut up some goat cheese and place into a container. Throw in some chopped dates and sliced almonds, separated from the cheese by a plastic baggy. Pack your crispbread to go. Ready to eat? Smear the goat cheese on to your crispbread, top with dates and almonds, and drizzle with honey from your stash.

6. Tomato and Feta

8 Healthy Take To Work Snacks

Slice some tomatoes and place them in your container, then cover with plastic wrap. Crumble some feta into a pile in your container and sprinkle with dried oregano or Italian herbs. Pack your crispbread separately. When you get hungry, top your crispbread with tomato, feta and herbs, and drizzle with your stashed olive oil and freshly ground pepper.

7. Pineapple and Chipotle

8 Healthy Take To Work Snacks

At home, slice your pineapple (or you can use canned slices in juice), and scoop out ¼ cup cottage cheese. Place both in a container and sprinkle with a pinch of chipotle powder. Pack up your crispbread separately. Don’t assemble this one until you are ready to eat or you’ll have a sad, wet cracker. :(

8. Strawberries and Spice

8 Healthy Take To Work Snacks

At home, slice up some fresh strawberries and place in a plastic container. Spread a tablespoon of cream cheese on your crispbread and sprinkle with nutmeg, cinnamon, or vanilla salt. Wrap it in plastic wrap and pack in the container. When the time is right, layer the strawberries over the crispbread.


8 Healthy Take To Work Snacks

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