Showing posts with label Health Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Tips. Show all posts
Healthy Living: 45 Tips How To Live Healthier Life In 2016
How healthy are you? Do you have a healthy diet? Do you exercise regularly? Do you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day? Do you get enough sleep every day?

Our body is our temple, and we need to take care of it to have a healthy life. Do you know that a shocking over 65% of Americans are either obese or overweight? That’s insane! Think of your body as your physical shell to take you through life. If you repeatedly abuse it with unhealthy food, your shell will wear out quickly. While you may look okay on the outside, on the inside, your arteries are getting clogged up with cholesterol and arterial plaque. That’s not a pretty sight!

Life is beautiful and you don’t want to bog yourself down with unnecessary health problems. Today, your vital organs (kidney, heart, lungs, gall bladder, liver, stomach, intestines, etc) may be working well, but they may not be tomorrow. Don’t take your good health today for granted. Take proper care of your body.

Good health isn’t just about healthy eating and exercise – it also includes having a positive mental health, healthy self-image and a healthy lifestyle. In this article, it'll include 45 tips to live a healthier life. Bookmark this article and save the tips, because they are going to be vital in living a healthier life.

1. Drink more water. 

Healthy Living: 45 Tips How To Live Healthier Life In 2016

Most of us actually don’t drink enough water every day. Water is essential for our body to function – Do you know over 60% of our body is made up of water? Water is needed to carry out our body functions, remove waste and carry nutrients and oxygen around our body. Since we lose water every day through urine, bowel movements, perspiration and breathing, we need to replenish our water intake.

Furthermore, drinking more water alone actually aids in losing weight. A study carried out among overweight/obese people showed that water drinkers lose 4.5 more pounds than a control group. The researchers believe that it’s because drinking more water helps fill your stomach, making you less hungry and less likely to overeat.

2. Get enough sleep. 
Healthy Living: 45 Tips How To Live Healthier Life In 2016

When you don’t rest well, you compensate by eating more. Usually it’s junk food. Get enough rest and you don’t need to snack to stay awake. Also, lack of sleep causes premature aging, and you wouldn’t want that.

3. Meditate. 

Meditation quietens your mind and calms your soul. If you don’t know how to meditate, don’t worry – learn how to meditate in 5 simple steps.

4. Exercise. 

Not just a few times a week, but every day. Movement is life. Research has shown that exercising daily brings tremendous benefits to our health, including increase of life span, lowering of risk of diseases, higher bone density and weight loss. Increase activity in your life. Choose walking over transport for close distances. Climb the stairs instead of taking the lift. Join some aerobics classes. Take up a sport of your liking (see tip #5)

5. Pick exercises you enjoy. 

Healthy Living: 45 Tips How To Live Healthier Life In 2016

When you enjoy the sports, you’ll naturally want to do them. Exercise isn’t about suffering and pushing yourself; it’s about being healthy and having fun at the same time. Adding variation in your exercises will keep them interesting.

6. Work out different parts of your body. 

Don’t just do cardio exercises (such as jogging). Give your full body a proper work out. The easiest way is to engage in sports, since they work out different muscle groups. Popular sports include basketball, football, swimming, tennis, squash, badminton, frisbee, and more.

7. Eat more fruits. 

Fruits are a plethora of vitamins and minerals. Do you know that oranges offer more health benefits than Vitamin C pills? Taking in synthetic supplements are not the same as consuming the foods direct from nature. Fill your palate with these 10 most nutritious fruits: Watermelon, Apricots, Avocado, Apple, Cantaloupe, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Guava, Papaya, Strawberries.

8. Eat more vegetables. 

Like fruits, vegetables are important for the well being of our health. Experts suggest that we should have 5-9 servings of fruits/vegetables, and unfortunately most people don’t even have at least 5 servings! Some of my favorite vegetables include: Kidney beans, black beans, asparagus, long beans, french beans, sprouts, button mushrooms and carrots.

9. Pick bright colored foods. 

Fruits and vegetables with bright colors are usually high in anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are good for health because they remove free radicals in our body that damage our cells. So get your fill of fruits/vegetables of different colors: White (Bananas, Mushroom), Yellow (Pineapples, Mango), Orange (Orange, Papaya), Red (Apple, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Watermelon), Green (Guava, Avocados,  Cucumber, Lettuce, Celery), Purple/Blue (Blackberries, Eggplant, Prunes).

10. Cut down on processed food. 
Healthy Living: 45 Tips How To Live Healthier Life In 2016

Processed foods are not good because (1) most nutritional value is lost (2) the preservatives added are bad for our health.  Many processed foods contain a high amount of salt content, which leads to higher blood pressure and heart disease. Processed foods are anything that are not in their raw form. In general, most of the food in supermarket are processed – the more the ingredients on the label (especially the ones ending with ‘ite’ or ‘ate’), the more processed they are. Watch out for those with salt/sugar as the first 5 ingredients and go for natural foods as much as possible.

11. Love yourself. 

How much do you love yourself on a scale of 1-10? Why? How can you love yourself more starting today? In Day 20 of 30DLBL, we explore the notion of self-love and get you started on loving yourself more.

12. Barefoot walking/running. 

There have been many proven positive benefits of barefoot walking/running, from better posture, less stress for your feet, less stress for your joints, etc.

13. Purge negative people from your life. 

Positive mental healthy is an important part of a healthy life. You don’t need toxic people in your life. If you feel that a friend is overly critical or negative, then let him/her go.

14. Purge negativity from yourself. 

You don’t need negativity from yourself either. Listen in on the thoughts that come up in your mind and get rid of the negative thoughts you hear. A lot of eating happens because one feels unhappy, so by staying in a positive, up state by yourself, you cut out that unhealthy dependence on food to be happy.

15. Journal out unhappy thoughts. 

One great way to purge negativity from within is to do brain dumping exercises whenever you feel frustrated. This is something I do with my 1-1 clients as well, where I ask them to journal out their deepest thoughts so we can address them. Don’t keep these thoughts pent up inside of you – it’s not healthy.

16. Avoid trigger foods. 

Healthy Living: 45 Tips How To Live Healthier Life In 2016

Trigger foods are the foods that make you go berserk and binge like crazy after you eat them. Everyone’s trigger foods are different (mine are donuts, pastries, pasta and chips), but generally trigger foods are candy bars, chocolate, confectionery, chips, cookies, or anything with high level of refined sugar, salt, fat or flour. These foods cause a blood sugar imbalance, hence triggering one to eat more. What are your trigger foods? Identify them and remove them from your diet.

17. Breathe. Deeply. 

Oxygen is a vital source of life. You may know how to breathe, but are you breathing properly? Most of us don’t breathe properly – we take only shallow breathes and breathe to 1/3 of our lung capacity. Athletes are coached proper breathing techniques to get their best performance. A full breathis one where your lungs are completely filled, your abdomen expands and there’s minimum movement in your shoulders.

18. Address emotional eating issues. 

Emotional eating is eating to fill an emotion, rather than real hunger. Do you eat when you feel stressed out, down or frustrated? Do you reach out for food when you hit a block at work?Chances are, you’re emotional eating. However, emotional eating will never make you feel happy, because you’re trying to fill a void that has nothing to do with food. Food doesn’t give you love or happiness; it’s just food.

19. Eat small meals. 

Choose several small meals over a few big meals a day. This balances out your energy distribution throughout the day. In general, eat when you feel hungry, and stop when you’re full (see tip #20). You don’t need to wait until official meal times before you start eating. Listen to your body and what it tells you.

20. Stop eating when you feel full. 

Many of us rely on external cues to tell when we’re full, such as whether everyone has finished eating, whether your plate was empty or not. These are irrelevant – you should look at internal cues, such as whether your stomach feels full or not. Don’t feel obligated to eat just because there’s still food at the plate.

21. Go for brown carbs vs. white carbs. 

White carbs are refined grains like white rice, pasta, white bread, crackers, noodles, tortillas, wraps, anything with white flour and breading. The nutrients have been removed in the production process, leaving them rich in calories but low in nutrients. They also cause unhealthy spikes in our sugar levels. Go for brown carbs (unrefined complex carbs) instead, like brown rice, whole grain, oats, oatmeal, legumes, nuts. These come with nutrients and vitamins intact.

22. Live a life with purpose. 

Positive health starts from within! Are you living a life of meaning? Are you living in line with your purpose?

23. Say no to oily food. 

Reduce your intake of fast food, fries, doughnuts, chips, wedges, and foods that have been deep fried. Not only are they very fattening (1 tablespoon of oil is 120 calories), deep fried food contains acrylamide, a potential cancer-causing chemical. According to a BBC report, an ordinary bag of crisps may contain up to 500 times more of the substance than the top level allowed in drinking water by the World Health Organisation (WHO). There are better alternatives, such as grilled, steamed, stir-fried or even raw food (see tip #41).

24. Cut out sugary foods. 

These are your candy bars, your pastries, chocolate, cookies, cakes and jelly donuts. Not only do they not fill you, they trigger you to eat more due to the sugar rush they cause (see tip #16). Go for healthy snacks instead (see tip #36) – you’ll be more satisfied and happy.

25. Go organic. 

Organic foods are foods produced without “synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain genetically modified organisms, and are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives”. (Wiki) The organic movement is slowly catching on, with more supermarkets, especially in US, offering organic options. Organic food tends to cost more, but hey – would you rather save some money and feed your body with pesticides or pay a few extra dollars for a cleaner, healthier body?

26. Improve your posture. 

Good posture improves your breathing (see tip #18) and makes you look more smarter and more attractive.

27. Cut out soda and caffeine. 

Drinks with caffeine are diuretics – meaning they speed up the rate of urine production. Hence, these drinks do not contribute to your 8 glasses of water/day requirement – they actually take away from it! Furthermore, soda is unhealthy, causes weight gain, is an artificial stimulant, among other reasons. Ditch your soda and go for plain water or fresh fruit juices instead!

28. Don’t drink alcohol. 

Healthy Living: 45 Tips How To Live Healthier Life In 2016

Like caffeine, alcohol is a diuretic. Not only that, alcohol is repeatedly proven to have negative effects on our body and health – impacting the proper functioning of our brain, liver, lungs, and other major organs. If you drink alcohol regularly, it’s time to cut it out.

29. Prepare your meals. 

Lately I’m beginning to appreciate the value of preparing my own meals. When you prepare your meals, you control what goes into them. No more being in a dilemma between eating healthy  and choosing between the sub-optimal food choices. Get some quality kitchen equipment – these will be your best investments ever.

30. Learn to say no. 

Don’t feel like you’ve to eat just because you’re out with your friends, or because other people offer you food. Simply say no and say you’re not hungry if you don’t feel like eating.

31. Bring a water bottle when you go out. 

That way, you can replenish your fluids whenever you want to. It saves you money as well and you don’t need to subject yourself to poor alternatives like soda, which increases your fluid outtake instead (see tip #27).

32. Dine at salad bars more often. 

Lately I’m falling in love with salad bars. Salad bars work like this: You pick your greens, you select X number of toppings (usually 6 or limited, depending on the outlet) and you finish off with a dressing. The variety is huge, it’s filling and it’s extremely healthy.

33. Go for low calorie, low fat alternatives. 

There are many low-fat / non-fat alternatives today – from yogurts, to salad dressing, soy milk, spreads, ice cream, etc. Check out this comprehensive list: Lower Calorie, Lower Fat Alternatives.

34. Stop smoking. 
Healthy Living: 45 Tips How To Live Healthier Life In 2016

It has been extensively proven that smoking is detrimental to health,  severely increasing the risk of lung cancer, kidney cancer, esophageal cancer (of our gullet), heart attack, and more. Smoking “light” cigarettes does not decrease health risks. Bottom line – if you’re a smoker, quit for better health of not just yourself, but also your family and friends. If you don’t smoke, stay that way and don’t start.

You might also like: Follow 5 Steps "Ways to help you stop smoking successfully"

35. Avoid passive smoking. 

Second hand smoking (breathing in air from smokers) causes many of the same long-term diseases as direct smoking (Wiki). Get away from smokers and avoid cigarette smoke where you can.

36. Have healthy snacks. 

If you’re hungry during work, eat healthy snacks, like fruits, salads, and fruit juices. These are nutritional and don’t give you that sugar rush. Have them readily available so you can dive in for a munch and stop when you’d had your fill. Get away from cookies and candy bars.

37. Drink fruit/veg smoothies. 

It’s a quick way to get vitamins and nutrients. It's tastes great.

38. Juicing. 

Healthy Living: 45 Tips How To Live Healthier Life In 2016

Juicing is where you extract the juice from vegetables / fruits (via a juicer machine). Since the fibre is stripped away, you are literally drinking the nutrients and minerals directly from the juice! Juices and smoothies complement each other – the former gives our digestive system a break while the latter gives us the fibre which aids our digestion.

39. Go on a vegetarian diet. 

First off, going vegetarian doesn’t necessarily lead to better health, because there are many unhealthy vegetarian food out there (fried food, white carb laden diets, etc). On that note, there are many proven health benefits of a vegetarian diet.

40. Go on a vegan diet. 

A vegetarian is someone who does not consume animal products. A vegan is someone who doesn’t consume animal or animal-derived products. This means no dairy, honey, cheese, milk, etc. So in that sense, it’s seemingly stricter, but it brings about even more positive benefits on top of a vegetarian diet.

41. Become a raw vegan. 

A raw vegan consumes only non-processed, raw vegan food, mainly fruits, vegetables and nuts. Notice that the progression from vegetarian -> vegan -> raw vegan diet is toward foods that are naturally occurring. There are many reported benefits in switching from veganism to raw veganism, including increased youth, weight loss, increased energy, increased health benefits and more.

42. Get out more often. 

If you have a regular 9-5 job, chances are you spend most of your times holed up in the office and not a lot of time going out and having fun. During weekends, you’re probably busy with work or running errands. Make it a point to go out with friends at least once a week. Get some sunlight. Go out and have a change in environment. It’ll be great for your body and your soul.

43. Exercise good dental hygiene. 

Not only does good hygiene make you a lot more desirable, it is linked with better health (Read AHA Study). Brush your teeth twice a day, rinse your mouth after each meal and floss your teeth at night.

44. Join classes. 

Dance classes, aerobics classes, tennis classes, ballroom dancing, scuba diving, wake boarding courses, are all places to start off with. Going there also lets you socialize with a whole new group of people.

45. Hang out with healthy people. 

You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, so the more time you spend around healthy people, the better it is. Eat with people who are health conscious and get workout buddies. It makes healthy living even more fun.

Which health tips are most applicable for you right now? These are timeless tips, so bookmark this article and integrate these tips into your life. Share these health tips with your family and friends too to help them stay healthy – use your Twitter and Facebook via the buttons below.

“Live a Healthier Life in 31 Days” Challenge in Jan 2016!

Healthy Living: 45 Tips How To Live Healthier Life In 2016

If you’re wondering why there’s a healthy living post out of the blue, that’s because we’ll be having live a healthier life challenge come first Jan!


Healthy Living: 45 Tips How To Live Healthier Life In 2016

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Follow 5 Steps: Ways to Help You Stop Smoking Successfully
Congratulations on the decision to quit. Your first day without cigarettes can be difficult, but having a plan will make it easier! Don't rely on willpower alone to keep you smokefree. Prepare so that you can feel confident in your ability to stay quit today.

1. Step One

Tell your friends and family that today is your quit day. Ask them for support during these first few days and weeks. They can help you get through the rough spots, but make sure to tell them how they can support you. Be specific; they aren't mind readers.

2. Step Two

Get the support you need either by developing your own quit plan or finding a quit program that works for you. A quit plan combines strategies that help you stay focused, confident, and motivated to quit. You might decide to use a quit program like SmokefreeTXT, or a quitline like 1–800–QUIT–NOW (1–800–784–8669), to get started. If you're not sure exactly which quit methods are right for you, visit the Quit Smoking Methods Explorer to learn more. If nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is part of your plan, make sure to start using it first thing in the morning. Remember, there's no right way to quit be honest about what you need. Just don't celebrate with a cigarette.

3. Step Three

Stay busy. It might seem simple, but staying busy is one of the best ways to stay smokefree on your quit day. Try one of these activities:

  • Get out of the house
  • Go to dinner at your favorite smokefree restaurant
  • Go to a movie
  • Chew gum or hard candy
  • Keep your hands busy with a pen or toothpick
  • Relax with deep breathing
  • Plan a game night with non-smoking friends
  • Change your regular routine
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Exercise

4. Step Four

Avoid smoking triggers. Triggers are the people, places, things, and situations that trigger your urge to smoke. On your quit day, it's best to avoid them all together. Here are a few tips to help you outsmart some common smoking triggers:

  • Throw away your cigarettes, lighters, and ash trays if you haven't already
  • Avoid caffeine, which can make you feel jittery; try drinking water instead
  • Hang out with non-smokers; most people don't smoke, so you should have options
  • Go to a place where smoking isn't allowed; unless you want to break the law, you won't light up
  • Get plenty of rest and eat healthy; lack of sleep and too much sugar can trigger you to smoke

5. Step Five

Stay positive, but vigilant. Quitting smoking happens one minute, one hour, and one day at a time. Don't think of quitting as "forever". Pay attention to right now, and the days will add up! Quitting smoking is difficult, but it doesn't hurt to say positive; don't beat yourself up. Day one isn't going to be perfect, but all that matters is you don't smoke not even one puff. Reward yourself for being smokefree for 24 hours. You deserve it!

If you're not feeling prepared to quit today, set a quit date that makes sense for you. It's okay if you need a few more days to prepare to quit smoking.


Follow 5 Steps: Ways to Help You Stop Smoking Successfully

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19 Health Tips of Day - Men's Fitness

Next read more to know 19 quick and easy tip to keep you in top shape.

1. Balance Your Gut

One way to boost good gut bacteria and keep things running smoothly: take a daily probiotic supplement. “Probiotics help with digestion, and they’re good for your immunity," says Kerry Bajaj, a certified health coach at Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York. "Fixing the balance of good bacteria in the gut can even improve your mood. A lot of our serotonin is actually produced in the gut, so there’s a big connection between what’s happening in the gut and how we feel.” Add protein, probiotics, and thickness to smoothies with just one cup of Greek yogurt.

2. Cut the Caffeine

To avoid the “sleep-dampening” effects of caffeine, which has a half-life of 8 to 10 hours, shut down caffeine intake after 2 p.m.

3. Choose Wisery

Avoid processed meats, anything that’s been cured, salted, or smoked (i.e. ham, bacon, pastrami, salami, sausage, and hot dogs). Adding preservatives during the curing, salting, or smoking process can create carcinogens. If you’re buying chicken that’s packaged with an ingredients list, you’re buying the wrong chicken. The only ingredient should be “chicken.” If eating red meat, choose lean cuts and smaller portions, and avoid frying or charbroiling it.

4. Fill Up On Fiber

Eating high-fiber foods like flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and whole grains—in conjunction with staying consistently hydrated—helps prevent body odor by promoting healthy bowel movements and ridding your body of nasty toxins.

5. Hit Up Happy Hour

Social people are predisposed to better health, according to Dr. Gregory Lewis Fricchione, director of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. “There are health benefits to being prosocial as opposed to focusing socially on the self,” he notes. Social support and expressing love can improve overall resiliency, “and your capacity to give social support also has a tendency to feed back to you and pay dividends to your own health,” notes Fricchione.

6. Keep Skin Clear with the Right Carbs

Complex carbs like brown rice, beans, lentils, fruits, and veggies were found to decrease the frequency and intensity of breakouts by keeping blood sugar and insulin levels stable.

7. Warm Up

Static stretching before a workout doesn’t do your body much good. In fact, research from Stephen F. Austin State University found that exercisers who did static stretching before lifting had impaired strength compared to those who performed a dynamic warm-up, a muscle-warming routine that includes moves like walking lunges and high skips. Get in the habit of performing a dynamic warmup before any kind of workout and you'll not only enhance your performance, but also help prevent injury.

8. Don't Forger Your Shades

The only way to protect your eyes from the sun is by wearing sunglasses. Remembering to throw on your shades every day will guard against sunburn, cataracts, and even skin cancer. Choose sunglasses with 99-100% UV absorption or UV 400, and maybe draw some inspiration from your girlfriend's oversize shades—the bigger the glasses, the better the protection.

9. Get Steeping

Aside from water, tea might be the best beverage for your body. Research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that regular consumption of green tea can improve memory and cognition in men. Green tea is also credited with a host of other health-boosting benefits, like firing up your metabolism, lowering blood pressure, preventing bad breath, boosting immunity, and acting as an anti-inflammatory agent.

10. Floss Every Day

Flossing won't just make your pearly whites brighter; the habit will improve your health on a much deeper level. If your gums get infected, the bacteria in your mouth can enter the bloodstream and lead to inflammation throughout the body.

11. Measure Your Waist

Waist circumference can give you a better indicator of obesity more so than body weight. If you can keep your waist below 34, you're probably in pretty good shape. A waist circumference over 34 means you're starting to build enough fat that puts you in danger of developing diabetes, heart disease or cancer. -

12. Make Recovery a Priority

During exercise, recovery is an essential component that enables the body to adapt to the stress created by exercise, helps restore muscle glycogen and allows for repair of body tissue.

13. Balance Your Workouts

Your regular exercise routine should include a mixture of muscle building, stretching and aerobics, which provides cardiovascular conditioning. The Mayo Clinic recommends that a workout regimen have five elements: aerobic fitness, strength training, core exercises, balance training, and flexibility and stretching.

14. Sleep In

If you cannot sleep, you cannot be well. Failing to get a good night’s sleep can disrupt a person’s circadian rhythm, which regulates blood pressure and hormones. Sleep plays a critical role in maintaining properly functioning memory and sexual performance as well as avoiding weight gain. You should be clocking about seven to nine hours of solid sleep every night. The brain heals and creates new cells through neurogenesis during sleep, so it helps you maintain and strengthen your neural networks.

15. Stop Biting

The habit of using your teeth to cut your nails, whether due to extreme nervousness, also known as onchophagia, can pass germs into the body since the hands touch nearly everything. Even if you suds up your hands several times a day or lather on antibacterial lotion, germs sneak in. Nail biting can lead to repeated colds or flu and bacterial infections. Over time, gnawing your nails can put stress on your teeth, which can lead to crooked teeth or other dental problems. It can also lead to skin infections and aggravate the nail bed. So stop chomping and grab a nail clipper instead.

16. Kick Up the Cardio

Aerobic work bumps up the production of three essential growth factors for neurogenesis. These factors, brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1), and endothelial growth factor (VEGF), aid in the growth of new neurons, stimulate cell growth in the brain, minimize inflammation, grow new blood vessels, and slow down cell self-destruction.

17. Find the Right Doc

Get a doctor that meets your personal needs and understands the difference between treating an illness and helping and guiding you through the wellness process. You need to find a doctor who will be interested in the steps you’ve taken to prepare for an exam, rather than simply treat a respiratory infection or draw blood for an annual checkup.

18. Slow Down

Taking a few moments out of the daily grind is essential to reduce stress, which makes you vulnerable to illness. Ways to give your mind and brain a “time-out” include breathing exercises and meditation.

19. Go Hard, Then Relax

Wind down by walking for 3-5 minutes, paying particular attention to the rhythm of your breath and the stride of your feet. By keeping your attention on the body-breath interaction you relax both your body and your mind.

Read also: 10 Health Tips of Day - Men's Fitness In 2016


19 Health Tips of Day - Men's Fitness In 2016

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10 Health Tips of The Day - Men's Fitness In 2016

A quick and easy tip to keep you in top shape.

1. Eat Fat to Avoid Fat

If you’re working on getting leaner, don’t cut out good, healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids. Lack of these nutrients can negatively impact the speed (and how) you age. To keep feeling and looking younger, incorporate more oily fish, walnuts, and flax seeds into your diet, which also help the skin stay supple and wrinkle-free. Omega-3s also help boost brain health and keep the heart in good shape.

2. Wash Up Before Bed

10 Health Tips of The Day - Men's Fitness In 2016

Don’t go to sleep without thoroughly washing your face. Over the course of the day your skin and pores collect dirt and oil. If you don’t wash it all off before you hit the hay, the dirt will clog your pores overnight and you’ll wake up with irritated skin that is quite the opposite of a healthy, glowing complexion.

3. Prevent Injuries with Yoga

Most yoga classes begin with a reminder to honor your body’s particular needs and limits on that particular day. This basic ability to scan and assess yourself as you practice will help reduce the incidence of injury when running or playing other sports. Plus, flexible, well-stretched yoga muscles can heal and recover more quickly after working out or getting strained.

4. Limit Processed Foods

You may have to eat a frozen meal now and then, but don’t make it a habit. Certain packaged foods can be loaded with sodium and other preservatives. The FDA suggests sticking to no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day—that’s one teaspoon of salt. A typical frozen entrée can easily pack more than 30% of your sodium intake for the day, so check the label before plopping one in your grocery basket.

5. Take Health Screenings Seriously

"Cars get routine check-ups. So do planes," says Daniel Cosgrove, M.D., medical director of the WellMax Center in La Quinta, California. "But for our bodies, the most precious thing we have, we wait for symptoms. And unfortunately, most diseases are far advanced by the time one gets symptoms." Schedule an annual physical exam with your primary care physician to stay healthy.

6. Limit Salt Intake
10 Health Tips of The Day - Men's Fitness In 2016
The average American consumes more than double the American Heart Association's daily recommendation of 1,500 mg. Excess salt can up your blood pressure, putting an added burden on your poor old heart and may also hide your hard-won chiseled abs behind a buffer of bloat, give you some busted looking bags beneath your eyes, and cause your fingers to swell up.

7. Count Your Drinks

The CDC has reported that men who drink 3-4 alcoholic drinks each day are at a higher risk of developing cancer of the mouth, neck, and throat. They are also twice as likely to develop liver cirrhosis and high blood pressure. Allow yourself at least two alcohol-free days each week. Binge drinking doesn’t only have serious health risks—it can also contribute to weight gain and prevent you from reaching your fitness goals.

8. Apply SPF Daily

In addition to fending off skin cancer, using broad-spectrum SPF (the kind that blocks both UVA and UVB rays) on a daily basis helps keep skin looking younger longer. Look for a sunblock with an SPF 15 or higher, making sure it covers both UVA and UVB rays. Put your sunscreen on 30 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours.

9. Eat Protein at Every Meal

How much protein do you really need? Depends on whether you work out or not and how strenuous your workouts actually are. Your average desk-bound male requires just 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day.

But exercise can nearly double those requirements. For endurance athletes, Peter Lemon, a professor of exercise nutrition at the University of Western Ontario, recommends getting between 0.5 and 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight. "For strength athletes, those numbers are even higher--generally between 0.7 and 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight," he says. If you've been shooting for a gram of protein per pound of body weight--or more--you're overdoing it. Your body won't be able to process those extra calories, and they'll ultimately end up as just one thing: fat.

10. Set Down the Smokes
10 Health Tips of The Day - Men's Fitness In 2016

Avoid tobacco in any form—that means cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuffs, and hookah in addition to cigarettes. Tobacco has more than 7,000 chemicals, 250 of which are known to be harmful, and 13 of which have been linked to cancer. What's more, tobacco smoke is harmful to smokers and nonsmokers alike. Smoking is a proven cause of lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreatic, and stomach cancers, as well as acute myeloid leukemia.

Read also: 19 Health Tips of The Day - Men's Fitness In 2016 


10 Health Tips of The Day - Men's Fitness In 2016

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4 Best Health Tips That Make Weight Loss Easy
Losing weight doesn't have to be such a chore, but it can start to feel like it if you take an ineffective approach. Don't rely on miracle weight loss pills, restrictive diets, or impossible workout regimes, because it will only make things more complex and frustrating. Instead, take the easy route with these healthy, uplifting tips for weight loss.

With just a few adjustments, you can shed pounds, improve your emotional state, and they can even become part of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Be Active

Exercise is an integral part of any weight loss program – more energy must be burned than is consumed. However, you don't need to spend two hours at the gym every day to see results. For many women, 30 minutes of cardio a five days a week is enough to get you into a positive routine. You can make it fun, too. Go swimming, go for a bike ride, or even dance around your house. If you want to tone your body and improve your mindset, try yoga. A yoga session will strengthen your body, make you more flexible, and induce relaxation.

2. Drink Tea

4 Best Health Tips That Make Weight Loss Easy

Tea can suppress appetite and speed weight loss. Green tea, for example, improves cognitive functions and boosts metabolism. This allows you to be more physically active through the day. In addition, researchers have found that the herb contains catechins, antioxidants that may be responsible for tea's fat-burning effect. Controlled studies have observed that individuals who intake green tea lose weight more easily than those who do not.

3. Watch Your Portions

At some restaurants, portions are far too large, influencing what people think is a normal amount to eat. Right when you receive your food at a restaurant, you could send half or even two-thirds of it to get wrapped up for one or more meals at a later time. Not only is this economic, but it will also reduce the number of calories you consume.

In addition, you could buy smaller plates for your home so that you avoid piling large amounts of food during mealtimes. Last, if you're going to eat food from a package, taking the recommended serving size and putting it in a bowl can help control your portion sizes.

4 Best Health Tips That Make Weight Loss Easy

4. Stay Positive

Above all, stay motivated. Individuals trying to lose weight have a tendency to be too hard on themselves or compare their bodies to others. This will only get you down, and when you're down, it can be hard to get back up.

Embrace wherever you are on your weight loss journey and love yourself for whatever progress you've made. Your perspective is everything, and when you have doubts, you will be fighting much more than pounds. Be an optimist and recognize how beautiful and strong you are.

Who knew that dancing, using smaller plates, and drinking tea can have such a positive effect on your health and appearance? Don't let menopausal weight gain get you down. Keep motivated with the good things in life and learn that wellness is simple and straightforward. There are no tricks to it – all you need is confidence in your heart and pep in your step.

Source : Internet

4 Best Health Tips That Make Weight Loss Easy

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Top 30 Simple Diet And Fitness Tips For Success
No one likes being overweight, and everyone is looking for an easy way to get rid of all the excess fat. So, without further ado, we give you these 30 simple diet and fitness tips that might just help you do that.

1 – No more sweets

Most people get a late night craving for something sweet. But, that’s not the way to go of you wish to lose weight. Instead of a cake, eat some fruit; it’s good for you and it tastes good too.

2 – Good fitness friend

Fitness gets old after a while. What you need is a friend with whom you can work out together. It will increase your motivation, and you’ll have some company.

3 – Eat some of these

A person who wishes to lead a healthy life should eat more in-shell nuts, balsamic vinegar, and fat-free yoghurt. It really helps with losing weight.

4 – Relieve achy muscles

You could do so by submerging yourself in a cold bath and stay there for 10-15 minutes. This helps many professional athletes get rid of pains.

5 – Get comfy sneakers

Comfortable shoes are extremely important, and especially if you’re doing anything athletic. They will increase your productivity, and sports will become
easier for you.

6 – Pick the perfect workout music

Top 30 Simple Diet And Fitness Tips For Success

Music helps people to relax, and while you’re working out, pick the perfect music for it. it may help you relax, and even forget about the ache you’re feeling because you’re tired.

7 – Know when to weigh

It is best to step on a scale and weigh yourself in the morning, before any food or drinks. You should also do it at an exact time each day.

8 – Cat those portions

You need to cut the portions of those bad foods in half. If you think that this would not get you full, try filling the other half of your plate with vegetables.

9 – No cocktails!

Cocktails are proven to contain more sugars than any other drink. So, if you’re out with your girlfriends, order something else.

10- Eat enough to have fuel

You must consider what you’re going to do today when you get up, so you’ll know what food and how many calories should you intake.

11 – One day of cheating

You ate a big bowl of ice cream at your cousin’s birthday party? No worries. It is proven than one slip-up cannot hurt your weight-loss process.

12 – Items to run with

If you’re going out to run, make sure you bring this with you: a watch to measure your time, a device with the music of your taste, and also, if it’s sunny outside, wear sunglasses.

13 – More H2O

You need to keep yourself hybridized. That’s why you should intake as much water as you can, all the way through the day.

14 – Fight the weekends

When the weekends come, the productivity level lowers, and you feel as if all you do is eat and sleep. No worries. Try taking a 15 minute longer walks, or take the stairs everywhere you see them.

15 – Make your food fun

Make your food with lots of spices and vegetables of different colors. This will make your food more enjoyable.

16 – Increase your exercise

But, when to do so? Well, increase them for about 5 to 10% each week.

17 – Ice cream with fruit

Top 30 Simple Diet And Fitness Tips For Success

Don’t feel left out when your friends are going out for an ice cream. You can also take one, but at least half of it should be made up of fruits. Healthy and

18 – Change your shoes

Shoes get worn out, so it’s smart to change them every 350 miles. Don’t hold on to your favorite pair,
they’ll do more harm than good.

19 – Find the right support

Find the best sport bras there are. They should be loose around the chests, so you can expand your ribs.

20 – Relieve the pain below the rib

This happens when you work too hard. Just press with your fist beneath the rib cage while you take deep breaths, and take about 10 steps. This should relieve the pain.

21 – Shake it while having fun!

Tired of bike rides, running of yoga? Well, then, just put on your headset, turn on your favorite music, and shake it in your house while dancing to the fullest! By having fun, you’ll be breaking a sweat.

22 – Take the right fuel for fitness

Eat the food that will help you get through the workout. You need the energy, so don’t be stingy with this one.

23 – No more peer pressure

Peer pressure is terrible, but you need your friends. So, when they’re eating something that seems bad to you, you just order the same thing, but with more vegetable on it.

24 – Savor the carbs

Certain snacks contain Resistant Starch, which can boost your metabolism, and can keep you full for longer amount of time. Read the label, and enjoy those foods.

25 – No work lunch

There is no real need for you to work during lunch, of course, unless you’re really, really hungry. So, skip it, and you’ll feel better about yourself.

26 – Protect yourself

Working out outside is great, but you need to protect yourself from all the UV radiation, and direct sunlight.

27 – Take a healthy snack

We all love snacks, and there’s no reason to avoid it. Just serve yourself something healthy, like some vegetable or fruits.

You might also like : 8 healthy take to work snacks

28 – No chaffing

Chaffing is a terrible occurrence while running. So, to avoid it, try rubbing some anti-chafe stick on your skin, or applying some baby powder.

29 – Find healthy fast food

Yes, it exists. Find it, and replace your fattening fast food with this one as soon as you can.

30 – Keep doing it

This might be the last tip, but it doesn’t mean that you should quit now. Keep doing this, and you’ll lead a nice and a healthy life


Top 30 Simple Diet And Fitness Tips For Success

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10 Ways To Easy Weight Loss Without Painless
Painless weight loss? If you're desperately trying to squeeze in workouts and avoid your favorite high-calorie treats, it can seem like there's nothing pain-free about it.

Yet while eating healthier and slipping in exercise does take some work, it really doesn't have to require heroic effort. Making just a few simple lifestyle changes can pack a big weight loss punch over time.

WebMD spoke to weight loss experts and everyday people who've figured out a few painless ways to lose weight -- and keep it off. Here are their top tips on how to lose weight without sweating it too much.

1. Add, Don't Subtract

Forget diet denial: Try adding foods to your diet instead of subtracting them.

Add in healthy goodies you really love, like deep-red cherries, juicy grapes, or crunchy snow peas. Slip those favorite fruits into your bag lunch and breakfast cereal; add the veggies into soups, stews, and sauces.

"Adding in really works, taking away never does," says registered dietitian David Grotto, RD, LDN, author of 101 Optimal Life Foods, but do remember to keep an eye on overall calories. And don't forget to add in something physical, too, whether it's doing a few dance moves before dinner, shooting hoops, or taking a quick stroll.

2. Forget About Working Out

If the word "exercise" inspires you to creative avoidance, then avoid it. Maybe the trick to enjoying a workout may be to never call it working out.

"There's some truth to that," Grotto tells WebMD, and once you start your not-calling-it-exercise plan, Grotto says you'll discover "the way good health feels knocks down the roadblocks that were preventing you from exercising in the first place."

So burn calories and invigorate muscles by beachcombing, riding bikes, grass skiing, making snow angels, hiking, washing the car, playing Frisbee, chasing the dog around the yard, or even enjoying great sex. After all, a rose by any other name ...

3. Go Walking

10 Ways To Easy Weight Loss Without Painless

Walking when the weather's nice is a super-easy way to keep fit, says Diane Virginias, a certified nursing assistant from New York. "I enjoy the seasons," she says, adding that even when she's short on time she'll go out for a few minutes. "Even a five minute walk is a five minute walk."

No sidewalks in your neighborhood? Try these tips for slipping in more steps:
  • Trade your power mower for a push version.
  • Park your car at the back of the lot.
  • Get out of the office building and enjoy walking meetings.
  • Sweep the drive or rake the leaves instead of using a leaf-blower.
  • Get off the bus a few stops earlier.
  • Hike the mall, being sure to hit all the levels.
  • Take the stairs every chance you get.
  • Sign up for charity walks.
  • Crank the music and get your heart rate up the next time you mop or vacuum.
  • It all adds up. If you walk twice a day for 10 minutes and try a few of these tips, you may find yourself with a low-impact, 30-minute workout easily tucked under your belt.
4. Lighten the Foods You Already Love

One of the easiest ways to cut back without feeling denied is to switch to lower-calorie versions of the foods you crave. A pizza tastes just as good with reduced-fat cheese, and when you garnish low-fat ice cream with your favorite toppers, who notices those missing calories?

And while you're trimming fat calories, keep an eye on boosting fiber, suggests registered dietitian Elaine Magee, RD, MPH, author of Tell Me What to Eat If I Suffer From Heart Disease and Food Synergy.

Fiber helps you feel satisfied longer, so while you lighten family favorites, you can easily amp up the fiber by adding a cup of whole wheat flour to your pizza dough, or toss a handful of red bell peppers on the pie.

Don't forget to lighten the drinks going with that meal. Try switching from high-calorie favorites to diet soda or light beer, or maybe add a spritz of seltzer to your wine.

Hate low-cal drinks? Mix your preferred drinks with a splash of the low-cal option, then increase the ratio as your taste buds adjust. And don't forget to keep pouring that ultimate beverage, says Magee: water!

5. Because Hydration Helps -- Really!

Down some water before a meal and you won't feel so famished, says David Anthony, an information technology consultant from Atlanta. "Drinking a glass of water before a meal helps me watch what I eat. … I don't just hog everything, since I'm not so hungry."

Magee, who also writes the "Healthy Recipe Doctor" blog for WebMD, adds that for the compulsive snacker it's a great idea to keep no-calorie beverages at hand "as a way to keep your mouth busy and less likely to snack on junk food."

Going to a party? Grab a low-cal drink in one hand and keep it there. Not only does it make it harder to graze the buffet, but you'll also be less tempted to sip endless cocktails, too.

Finally, keeping your body refreshed with plenty of water may also help your workout, says Anthony. Staying hydrated means "I can exercise more, and longer, than if I don't drink water."

6. Share and Share Alike

With the massive meals served at so many American restaurants, it's easy to go Dutch -- with the dinner plate.

"When we go out, I often share a meal with my wife," Anthony tells WebMD. "We've been known to split a dessert, even a pint of beer. That way, we don't feel stuffed, and we save some money."

You can share more than just a meal out. Why not double up on a bicycle built for two? Go halves on the cost of a personal trainer? Maybe split a gym membership?

"When you're trying to eat better or get more exercise, you can be more successful if you do it with a partner or group," says Grotto. "The community, the partnership, whether online or in person, it really helps."

Twice the motivation, without twice the effort -- a steal of a deal.

7. Tune In, Tone Up

The American Heart Association knows what we love: television. And they also know we need to get more exercise. So why not combine the two, they ask?

Try dancing to the music when you tune into your favorite music show, or practice some stress-relieving cardio boxing when your least favorite reality contestant is on camera.

During commercials pedal your stationery bike, walk the treadmill, or slip in a little strength training doing bicep curls with cans of your favorite fizzy beverage as weights. Or get inspired to really focus: Put in a high-energy exercise DVD and get motivated by the pros onscreen.

It doesn't matter exactly what you do, so long as you're up and active. Aim for at least 15 minutes, says the AHA. But who knows? If you get really engrossed, you just might outlast the last survivor.

8. Size Matters

Eating less without feeling denied is as close as your dinnerware.

That's because while a small portion served on a large plate can leave you craving more, a smaller plate gives the visual signal that you already have more.

"People go by physical cues," when they eat, Grotto tells WebMD. We know we've had enough because we see the bottom of our bowl or plate. "A smaller plate full of food just feels more satisfying than a large plate with that same amount of food on it."

And don't forget smaller bowls, cups, and spoons. For example, try savoring a bowl of ice cream with a baby spoon. Not only does the pleasure last longer, but your body has time to register the food you've eaten.

9. Get Involved, or at Least Get to the Table

When your weight loss efforts lead to boredom or too much self-focus, get occupied with something else. "I eat more if I'm bored," says Virginias, "especially if I'm eating in front of the TV."

So take a break from the siren-call of the tube, and get occupied with things that have nothing to do with food.

For some, that might mean becoming involved with local politics, discovering yoga, or enjoying painting. Or maybe you want to help a child with a science project, repaint the bedroom, or take a class. The key: Have a life outside of weight loss.

Already busy enough? Then at least eat your meals at the table. "The TV is distracting, and I'm just not conscious of eating," Virginias tells WebMD. "Once I'm at the table, with a place setting, I'm much more aware of what I'm eating."

10. Lose It Today, Keep It Off Tomorrow

Finally, be patient. While cultivating that virtue isn't exactly painless, it may help to know that keeping weight off generally gets easier over time.

That's the result of a study published in Obesity Research, where researchers found that for people who had lost at least 30 pounds -- and kept it off for at least two years -- maintaining that weight loss required less effort as time went on.

So if you crave the results reported by successful "losers" like these -- improved self-confidence, a boost in mood, and better health -- cultivate patience. You may find your way to sweet (and nearly painless) weight loss success.

* Bonus Tips:

If 10 tips for painless weight loss (or maintenance) aren't enough, how about trying some of these ideas from WebMD's weight loss community members?

Eat at the same times every day (including snacks). Sure you can't do this all the time, but some people find that knowing when to expect their next meal or snack makes them a lot less likely to graze. Our body appreciates rhythms, from seasons to tides, so why not give it what it craves?

Make only one meal. Instead of making something high-cal for the family and low-cal for yourself, get everyone on the same healthy-eating page. Weight loss and maintenance is easier when everyone's eating the same thing -- and you're not tempted to taste someone else's calorie-dense food.

Remember that little things add up. So keep eating a little fruit here, some veggies there, continue grabbing 10 minute walks between meetings. Weight loss is a journey guided by your unique needs, so hook into what works for you -- and do it!

Source: WebMD

10 Ways To Easy Weight Loss Without Painless

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This is the 15 best daily health tips. Make that 15 - taking the time to read this tops the list.

15 Top Best Daily Health Tips In 2016
1. Understand hormones. Recent research suggests that short-term (less than five years) use of HRT is not associated with an increase in the risk of breast cancer, but that using it for more than ten years might be. Breast cancer is detected earlier in women using HRT, as they are more alert to the disease than other women.

2. Beat the sneezes. There are more than 240 allergens, some rare and others very common. If you’re a sneezer due to pollen: close your car’s windows while driving, rather switch on the internal fan (drawing in air from the outside), and avoid being outdoors between 5am and 10 am when pollen counts are at their highest; stick to holidays in areas with low pollen counts, such as the seaside and stay away from freshly cut grass.

3. Doggone. If you’re allergic to your cat, dog, budgie or pet piglet, stop suffering the ravages of animal dander: Install an air filter in your home.

Keep your pet outside as much as possible and brush him outside of the home to remove loose hair and other allergens. Better yet, ask someone else to do so.

4. Asthma-friendly sports. Swimming is the most asthma-friendly sport of all, but cycling, canoeing, fishing, sailing and walking are also good, according to the experts.

Asthma need not hinder peak performance in sport. 1% of the US Olympic team were asthmatics – and between them they won 41 medals.

5. Deep heat. Sun rays can burn even through thick glass, and under water. Up to 35% of UVB rays and 85% of UVA rays penetrate thick glass, while 50% of UVB rays and 75% of UVA rays penetrate a meter of water and wet cotton clothing.

Which means you’ll need sunscreen while driving your car on holiday, and water resistant block if you’re swimming.

6. Fragrant ageing. Stay away from perfumed or flavoured suntan lotions which smell of coconut oil or orange if you want your skin to stay young. These lotions contain psoralen, which speeds up the ageing process. Rather use a fake-tan lotion. Avoid sun beds, which are as bad as the sun itself.

7. Sunscreen can be a smokescreen. Sunscreen is unlikely to stop you from being sunburned, or to reduce your risk of developing skin cancer. That’s because most people don’t apply it properly, and stay in the sun too long.

The solution? Slather on sunscreen daily and reapply it often, especially if you’ve been in the water. How much? At least enough to fill a shot glass.

8. Laugh and cry. Having a good sob is reputed to be good for you. So is laughter, which has been shown to help heal bodies, as well as broken hearts. Studies in Japan indicate that laughter boosts the immune system and helps the body shake off allergic reactions.

9. It ain’t over till it’s over. End relationships that no longer work for you, as you could be spending time in a dead end. Rather head for more meaningful things. You could be missing opportunities while you’re stuck in a meaningless rut, trying to breathe life into something that is long gone.

10. Strong people go for help. Ask for assistance. Gnashing your teeth in the dark will not get you extra brownie points. It is a sign of strength to ask for assistance and people will respect you for it. If there is a relationship problem, the one who refuses to go for help is usually the one with whom the problem lies to begin with.

11. Save steamy scenes for the bedroom. Showering or bathing in water that’s too hot will dry out your skin and cause it to age prematurely. Warm water is much better.

Apply moisturiser while your skin is still damp – it’ll be absorbed more easily. Adding a little olive oil to your bath with help keep your skin moisturised too.

12. Here’s the rub. Improve your circulation and help your lymph glands to drain by the way you towel off. Helping your lymph glands function can help prevent them becoming infected.

When drying off your limbs and torso, brush towards the groin on your legs and towards the armpits on your upper body. You can do the same during gentle massage with your partner.

13. Sugar-coated. More than three million South Africans suffer from type 2 diabetes, and the incidence is increasing – with new patients getting younger. New studies show this type of diabetes is often part of a metabolic syndrome (X Syndrome), which includes high blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease.

More than 80% of type 2 diabetics die of heart disease, so make sure you control your glucose levels, and watch your blood pressure and cholesterol counts.

14. Relax, it’s only sex. Stress and sex make bad bedfellows, it seems. A US survey showed that stress, kids and work are main factors to dampen libido. With the advent of technology that allows us to work from home, the lines between our jobs and our personal lives have become blurred.

People work longer hours, commutes are longer and work pervades all aspects of our lives, including our sexual relationships. Put nooky and intimacy on the agenda, just like everything else.

15. Good night, sweetheart. Rest heals the body and has been shown to lessen the risk of heart trouble and psychological problems.


15 Top Best Daily Health Tips In 2016

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The 6 Best Ways To Boost Women's Health
Women's health concerns are a little different from those of men. If you're a woman, the 6 tips will soon have you feeling fit and energetic.

To look and feel your best at every age, it’s important to make smart lifestyle and health choices. Here are six simple things that women can do every day (or with regularity) to ensure good health and body perfect:

Health Tip #1: Eat a healthy diet. 

“You want to eat as close to a natural foods diet as you can,” says Donald Novey, MD, an integrative medicine physician with the Advocate Medical Group in Park Ridge, Ill. That means a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods. Eat whole grains and high-fiber foods and choose leaner cuts of meat, fish, and poultry. Include low-fat dairy products in your diet as well — depending on your age, you need between 800 and 1,500 milligrams of calcium daily to help avoid osteoporosis, Dr. Novey says. Avoid foods and beverages that are high in calories, sugar, salt, and fat.

Healthy eating will help you maintain a proper weight for your height, which is important because being overweight can lead to a number of illnesses. Looking for a healthy snack? Try some raw vegetables, such as celery, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, or zucchini with dip made from low-fat yogurt.

If you’re not getting enough vitamins and nutrients in your diet, you might want to take a multivitamin and a calcium supplement to make sure you’re maintaining good health.

Health Tip #2: Exercise.

6 Best Ways To Boost Women's Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in America, but plenty of exercise can help keep your heart healthy. You want to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, if not every day. Aerobic exercises (walking, swimming, jogging, bicycling, dancing) are good for women’s health in general and especially for your heart, says Sabrena Merrill, MS, of Lawrence, Kan., a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor and a spokeswoman for the American Council on Exercise.

Health Tip #3: Avoid risky habits. 

Stay away from cigarettes and people who smoke. Don’t use drugs. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Most women’s health studies show that women can safely consume one drink a day. A drink is considered to be about 12 to 14 grams of alcohol, which is equal to 12 ounces of beer (4.5 percent alcohol); 5 ounces of wine (12.9 percent alcohol); or 1.5 ounces of spirits (hard liquor such as gin or whiskey, 80-proof).

Health Tip #4: Manage stress. 

No matter what stage of her life — daughter, mother, grandmother — a woman often wears many hats and deals with a lot of pressure and stress. “Take a few minutes every day just to relax and get your perspective back again,” Novey says. “It doesn’t take long, and mental health is important to your physical well-being.” You also can manage stress with exercise, relaxation techniques, or meditation.

Health Tip #5: Sun safely. 

Excessive exposure to the sun’s harmful rays can cause skin cancer, which can be deadly. To protect against skin cancer, wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 if you are going to be outdoors for more than a few minutes. Even if you wear sunscreen faithfully, you should check regularly for signs of skin cancer. Warning signs include any changes in the size, shape, color, or feel of birthmarks, moles, or freckles, or new, enlarging, pigmented, or red skin areas. If you spot any changes or you find you have sores that are not healing, consult your doctor.

Health Tip #6: Check for breast cancer. 

The American Cancer Society no longer recommends monthly breast self-exams for women. However, it still suggests them as “an option” for women, starting in their 20s. You should be on the lookout for any changes in your breasts and report any concerns to your doctor. All women 40 and older should get a yearly mammogram as a mammogram is the most effective way of detecting cancer in its earliest stages, when it is most treatable.

A woman’s health needs change as she ages, but the basics of women’s health remain the same. If you follow these six simple healthy living tips, you will improve your quality of life for years to come.

Read also in this blog: Top Health Tips For All Ages 2016


6 Best Ways To Boost Women's Health

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Now, you need to read 10 tips your prescription for a lifetime of wellness.

10 Top Health Tips for Women in 2016
1. Zap your stress.

"The biggest issue I see in most of my patients is that they have too much on their plates and want to juggle it all. Stress can have significant health consequences, from infertility to higher risks of depression, anxiety, and heart disease. Find the stress-reduction method that works for you and stick with it."

2. Stop dieting.

"Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to forgo your favorite glass of wine or a piece of chocolate cake now and then. The key is moderation. Get a mix of lean proteins, healthy fats, smart carbs, and fiber."

3. Don't “OD” on calcium.

"Too much absorbed calcium can increase the risk of kidney stones and may even increase the risk of heart disease. If you're under 50, shoot for 1,000 milligrams per day, while over-50 women should be getting 1,200 milligrams per day mainly through diet -- about three servings of calcium-rich foods such as milk, salmon, and almonds."

4. Do more than cardio.

"Women need a mix of cardio and resistance or weight-bearing exercise at least three to five times a week to help prevent osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Exercise also promotes good self-image, which is really important to a woman's mental health."

5. Think about fertility.

"While many women have no problem getting pregnant in their late 30s and even into their early 40s, a woman's fertility may start to decline as early as 32. So if you want to have kids, talk to your doctor about options, like freezing your eggs."

6. Appreciate birth control.

"Birth control gets a bad rap, but not only can it keep you from getting pregnant before you're ready, studies show it can lower the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer as well as regulate your cycle."

7. See your doctor every year.

"New recommendations suggest that healthy women now only need Pap smears every 3 years instead of annually starting at age 21. But don't skip your yearly checkup. Your doctor needs to annually assess many other issues such as potential infection, your need for contraception, and sexual complaints."

8. Have good sex.

"Sex reduces stress and may lower the risk of chronic disease -- but only if you enjoy it. If anything prevents you from sexual fulfillment, such as dryness or pain, talk to your doctor to find a solution."

9. Get more sleep.

"Sleep needs differ, but if you have trouble getting out of bed, tire easily, or have trouble concentrating, you likely aren't getting enough. Recent studies suggest this can put you at greater risk of heart disease and psychological problems."

10. Consider genetic testing.

"Doctors can now screen people with a family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and chronic diseases to assess their risk -- and then consider preventive measures. Talk to your doctor."

Find more articles, browse back issues, and read the current issue in this blog "Top Health Tips for All Ages in 2016"


10 Top Health Tips For Women In 2016

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20 Top Best Daily Health Tips In 2016
Next the 20 best daily health tips. Make that 20 - taking the time to read this tops the list.

1. Curry favour. Hot, spicy foods containing chillies or cayenne pepper trigger endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Endorphins have a powerful, almost narcotic, effect and make you feel good after exercising. But go easy on the lamb, pork and mutton and the high-fat, creamy dishes served in many Indian restaurants.

2. Cut out herbs before ops. Some herbal supplements – from the popular St John's Wort and ginkgo biloba to garlic, ginger, ginseng and feverfew – can cause increased bleeding during surgery, warn surgeons. It may be wise to stop taking all medication, including herbal supplements, at least two weeks before surgery, and inform your surgeon about your herbal use.

3. I say tomato. Tomato is a superstar in the fruit and veggie pantheon. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful cancer fighter. They’re also rich in vitamin C. The good news is that cooked tomatoes are also nutritious, so use them in pasta, soups and casseroles, as well as in salads.

The British Thoracic Society says that tomatoes and apples can reduce your risk of asthma and chronic lung diseases. Both contain the antioxidant quercetin. To enjoy the benefits, eat five apples a week or a tomato every other day.

4. Eat your stress away. Prevent low blood sugar as it stresses you out. Eat regular and small healthy meals and keep fruit and veggies handy. Herbal teas will also soothe your frazzled nerves.

Eating unrefined carbohydrates, nuts and bananas boosts the formation of serotonin, another feel-good drug. Small amounts of protein containing the amino acid tryptamine can give you a boost when stress tires you out.

5. Load up on vitamin C. We need at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day and the best way to get this is by eating at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. So hit the oranges and guavas!

6. No folly in folic acid. Folic acid should be taken regularly by all pregnant mums and people with a low immunity to disease. Folic acid prevents spina bifida in unborn babies and can play a role in cancer prevention. It is found in green leafy vegetables, liver, fruit and bran.

7. A for Away. This vitamin, and beta carotene, help to boost immunity against disease. It also assists in the healing process of diseases such as measles and is recommended by the WHO. Good natural sources of vitamin A are kidneys, liver, dairy products, green and yellow vegetables, pawpaw, mangoes, chilli pepper, red sorrel and red palm oil.

8. Pure water. Don’t have soft drinks or energy drinks while you're exercising. Stay properly hydrated by drinking enough water during your workout (just don't overdo things, as drinking too much water can also be dangerous).

While you might need energy drinks for long-distance running, in shorter exercise sessions in the gym, your body will burn the glucose from the soft drink first, before starting to burn body fat. Same goes for eating sweets.

9. GI, Jane. Carbohydrates with a high glycaemic index, such as bread, sugar, honey and grain-based food will give instant energy and accelerate your metabolism. If you’re trying to burn fat, stick to beans, rice, pasta, lentils, peas, soya beans and oat bran, all of which have a low GI count.

10. Mindful living. You've probably heard the old adage that life's too short to stuff a mushroom. But perhaps you should consider the opposite: that life's simply too short NOT to focus on the simple tasks. By slowing down and concentrating on basic things, you'll clear your mind of everything that worries you.

Really concentrate on sensations and experiences again: observe the rough texture of a strawberry's skin as you touch it, and taste the sweet-sour juice as you bite into the fruit; when your partner strokes your hand, pay careful attention to the sensation on your skin; and learn to really focus on simple tasks while doing them, whether it's flowering plants or ironing your clothes.

11. The secret of stretching. When you stretch, ease your body into position until you feel the stretch and hold it for about 25 seconds. Breathe deeply to help your body move oxygen-rich blood to those sore muscles. Don't bounce or force yourself into an uncomfortable position.

12. Do your weights workout first. Experts say weight training should be done first, because it's a higher intensity exercise compared to cardio. Your body is better able to handle weight training early in the workout because you're fresh and you have the energy you need to work it.

Conversely, cardiovascular exercise should be the last thing you do at the gym, because it helps your body recover by increasing blood flow to the muscles, and flushing out lactic acid, which builds up in the muscles while you're weight training. It’s the lactic acid that makes your muscles feel stiff and sore.

13. Burn fat during intervals. To improve your fitness quickly and lose weight, harness the joys of interval training. Set the treadmill or step machine on the interval programme, where your speed and workload varies from minute to minute. Build up gradually, every minute and return to the starting speed. Repeat this routine. Not only will it be less monotonous, but you can train for a shorter time and achieve greater results.

14. Your dirtiest foot forward. If your ankles, knees, and hips ache from running on pavement, head for the dirt. Soft trails or graded roads are a lot easier on your joints than the hard stuff. Also, dirt surfaces tend to be uneven, forcing you to slow down a bit and focus on where to put your feet – great for agility and concentration.

15. Burn the boredom, blast the lard. Rev up your metabolism by alternating your speed and intensity during aerobic workouts. Not only should you alternate your routine to prevent burnout or boredom, but to give your body a jolt.

If you normally walk at 6.5km/h on the treadmill or take 15 minutes to walk a km, up the pace by going at 8km/h for a minute or so during your workout. Do this every five minutes or so. Each time you work out, increase your bouts of speed in small increments.

16. Cool off without a beer. Don’t eat carbohydrates for at least an hour after exercise. This will force your body to break down body fat, rather than using the food you ingest. Stick to fruit and fluids during that hour, but avoid beer.

17. ‘Okay, now do 100 of those’. Instead of flailing away at gym, enlist the help – even temporarily – of a personal trainer. Make sure you learn to breathe properly and to do the exercises the right way. You’ll get more of a workout while spending less time at the gym.

18. Stop fuming. Don’t smoke and if you smoke already, do everything in your power to quit. Don’t buy into that my-granny-smoked-and-lived-to-be-90 crud – not even the tobacco giants believe it. Apart from the well-known risks of heart disease and cancer, orthopaedic surgeons have found that smoking accelerates bone density loss and constricts blood flow. So you could live to be a 90-year-old amputee who smells of stale tobacco smoke. Unsexy.

19. Ask about Mad Aunt Edith. Find out your family history. You need to know if there are any inherited diseases prowling your gene pool. According to the Mayo Clinic, USA, finding out what your grandparents died of can provide useful – even lifesaving – information about what’s in store for you. And be candid, not coy: 25% of the children of alcoholics become alcoholics themselves.

20. Do self-checks. Do regular self-examinations of your breasts. Most partners are more than happy to help, not just because breast cancer is the most common cancer among SA women. The best time to examine your breasts is in the week after your period.


20 Top Best Daily Health Tips In 2016

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